A Party

责任编辑:Winnie 发表时间:2013年09月27日 17:18 浏览次数:2122

Donny : Kim and I want to throw a goodbye party for Chuck. It ' s this Saturday night at Kim ' s house.
    Tina  : That ' s a good idea What do we need to do?
    Kim : We need to :buy some food and drinks. Tina, please meet me at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. We'll go               shopping.
    Tina : OK!
    Donny : Pam. you have a lot of great CDs. Please bring your CDs.
    Pam : Sure! I will take care of the music.
    Tina  : Did you invite Chuck' s other friends?
    Donny : Yes. We already invited them and gave them Kim ' s address. It will be fun.
    Tina : Wow! I can't wait for the party.
    Chuck : Hey! What party?

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