An Introduction of Guangzhou

责任编辑:Winnie 发表时间:2013年10月26日 09:37 浏览次数:2314

Today I’ll introduce a beautiful city-Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong. It is very busy and modern. 

In Guangzhou, we can go to the Baiyun Hill to watch birds. The birds sing very well. Xiangjiang Zoo is a good place to visit too. We can see many rare animals, such as white tigers, pandas. In the Six Banyan Temple, we can take photos and all of us will have a good time there. Do you like shopping? There are a lot of shopping centers and shopping departments in Guangzhou. The dimsum in Guangzhou is very famous; we can have it at the Guangzhou Restaurant or Banxi Restaurant. Going on the Pearl River Cruise is a good choose at night, because the night views are beautiful.

Welcome to Guangzhou!

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