Go Shopping

责任编辑:Winnie 发表时间:2014年03月21日 13:46 浏览次数:1747

one Sunday morning , Lily ,Lucy and I were going shopping .We were not happy beacuse we didn't find something interesting.Suddenly,we find a shop which was on sale .So we decided to go in to.It's a toy shop and there are many kinds of toys. After a moment , Lily saw a teddy bear ,she liked it very much.Then,Lucy find her favorite toy ,too.It's a doll and it's very beautiful . But I didn't find a pleasent toy.Shopkeeper recommended a  necklace .But I didn't like it .I think it's not beautiful and so dear .
     That day is a bad day .I couldn't find a toy which I like.But Lily and Lucy were very happy.

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