A Conversation

责任编辑:起点 发表时间:2014年06月30日 09:41 浏览次数:1669

James: What are you going to do after high school, Martha?

Martha: I’m going to college.

James: What class are you going to take in college?

Martha: I’m going to study music. I want to become a famous musician in the future.

James: Oh, really? How are you going to do that?

Martha: Well, I’m going to practice very hard. I can play the piano and the violin now, but I want to play them better. And I’m going to learn other instruments, and I also want to write my own music.

James: That’s really creative!

Martha: Yeah. You know, I started writing music when I was 12. But I need to learn more about music. And what do you want to do next year, James? Do you want to go to college, too?

James: Yes, I do. I’m going to study computer science. I want to become a computer programmer.

Martha: That sounds interesting. Are you good at computers?

James: Yes, I really like computers. I started using a computer when I was really young.

Martha: How old are you?

James: I don’t remember now. Maybe five or six.


()1. James and Martha are in high school now.

()2. Martha is going to college, but James isn’t.

()3.Martha wants to play the piano better.

()4. James is a computer programmer now.

()5. James was very young when he started using a computer.


1~5  TFTFT

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