Going to New York

责任编辑:Winnie 发表时间:2013年09月05日 14:33 浏览次数:2380

Tom is going to take a trip to the USA next week. Last week he made a plan and bought his plane ticket.
    Tom is going to New York. New York has many famous buildings. Tom is going to visit friends and take lots of photos. Tom doesn't have a camera! His mother is going to buy a cheap camera because Tom always loses things. She doesn't want to waste money.
    Tom's mother is worried about food , too. Tom is always hungry. She prepared some snacks for Tom because she thinks food is expensive in New York. She bought two boxes of cookies, a bag of tea from Fujian, and three bowls of instant noodles. She thinks food from Fujian is cheap and good. How much did the food cost ? About ¥200!
    Tom isn't going to eat the food from Fujian. He is going to eat out in restaurants in New York! He doesn’t need food. He needs money! He is going to go to the bank tomorrow. It is going to be an expensive, but fun trip!

亲,发现文中的错误不要不好意思告诉我们,纠错成功,你将获得50~200个金星币的奖励哦~ 我要纠错


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