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The Fox and The Stork

责任编辑:Tom Sun 发表时间:2013年08月28日 16:50 浏览次数:1673

The stork and the fox did not get along very well. The fox invited the stork over to his house first. The stork was looking forward to having a feast at fox's house. The fox served a large bowl of soup to the stork. "Please have as much as you want, Mr. Stork." "Mr. Fox, Thank you very much."

The stork put his beak into the bowl, but he was not able to eat it. The stork tried very hard to eat the soup. On the other hand, the fox was slurping up the soup deliciously.

The stork realized that the fox had tricked him. Without even having a taste, stork left for his home.

A few days later the stork said to the fox. "Thank you for having invited me. Why don't you come over to my house for dinner? I prepared a delicious beef soup." The fox couldn't wait to go. He was looking forward to it.

Several days later, fox visited the stork's house. The stork served the delicious beef soup in a long bottle. But, the fox's mouth was too small, he could not reach the delicious soup. Drooling, the fox was only able to observe the stork savoring the delicious soup.

上一篇: The Bat
下一篇: The Oak and the Reed
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