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The Son and the Picture of a Lion

责任编辑:Tom Sun 发表时间:2013年08月28日 16:49 浏览次数:982

Once upon a time, there lived a very timid-minded father in a town. He was always worried that his son might get hurt. The son was brave and loved hunting, but his father prevented his son from hunting everyday.

One night, the father dreamed of his son being pursued by a lion. After he woke up, he thought, 'I should not leave things like this.' The father built a strong wooden house for his son because he believed his son would not be in danger if he locked his son in the house.

The father brought pictures of animals to his son's room so that the son would not get bored. The father even stuck a picture of a lion on the wooden wall. However, the son felt stuffy about just staying home.

One day, the son vented his anger on the picture of a lion. "You bastard! I cannot go outside because of you! Why did you appear in my father's dream and torture me?" The son hit the picture with his fist.

Right then, the wooden wall broke down and a thorn got stuck in his hand. The son tried to take it out, but it did not come out easily. Due to the thorn, the wound enlarged and the inflammation worsened.

After a few days, the young son died from the wound. The father who tried to shut his child in lost his child because of his actions.

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